So, now, 2 years and a month in Bolivia and we are going strong. The new semester just began at the university and we are gearing up our English for Veterinarians class and putting the finishing touches on the plans for an Alpha Course.
The new fun project that is becoming a bit obsessive in the online research phase is a chicken project at a nearby orphanage. We are looking at plans for portable chicken coops, "tractors" if you will, to house at least 50 layers to provide eggs for the kids to eat and maybe even sell. There is a traditional brick and mortar coop to renovate as well, but we'd like to try to keep the hens on the cow pasture (there are 2 dairy cows) for prettier eggs and less feed input costs.
I have discovered that raising backyard chickens in high-end coops has become a pinterest obsession in the US. I think some chickens live better than we do! While I'd love to build a train shaped coop with chandelier feeders, I think we'll stick to function over form for at least this first iteration. I'll try to keep up a bit with this project here!