Carney's preparations for serving in South America

Thanks for checking out our blog! Here is where we'll chronicle the "learning opportunities" God provides for us as we seek His will in partnering full-time with Christian Veterinary Mission in Bolivia

05 November 2011

Gearing up

Ok, I think it is finally time to start working on this blog!  First-some background on us and our calling.  David and I have now been married 9 years and are finally moving on our pre-marital desires.  That maybe didn't sound like I meant...We both independently felt a stirring in our lives to serve as full-time missionaries elsewhere prior to dating.  Hopefully we were waiting on God's timing these last 9 years, but this spring came a strong sense of unrest in our very placid and wonderfully happy lives.  Uh-oh, right?  God was moving.  It is finally time to get moving on moving!
We have been involved in various aspects of Christian Veterinary Mission ( for 15 years, so naturally we want this family of believers to be our primary sending organization.  Ok, then, step one--partner organization: check.
If you know us, you know we have a severe travel bug, so where should we decide to settle?  We love Asian food, African animals and Latin culture (and of course all things Irish); so this has taken the most discernment for us.  At present we feel rather strongly called to Bolivia, in South America.  We have peace about this decision even in the face of some minor setbacks (more to follow, time permitting).  Great! Step 2: location: check
What will we be doing?  Hmm, that is a bit tougher.  God has gifted us both with a very diverse set of skills and things we really enjoy doing, but teaching is always first.  The hard part is figuring out if that is formal institutional teaching or backpacking 3 days to a tribe in the mountains.  Both have great promise for "rain"ing on the body of Christ in Bolivia.  If it is the latter, you won't have to endure this blog very frequently ;) So step 3: sorta check?
We are now on to steps 4-144,000.  I don't know what some of them are, but here's what you can be praying with us about for our immediate needs
  • sell the house
  • sell our junk-I mean earthly treasures
  • compile contact info for friends and supporters who want to build/maintain relationship with us
  • begin deputation process (that's the missiological word for raising support/money for project and living expenses)
There are many details to work on and much excitement about getting there and getting started.  We are claiming the Lord's faithfulness in getting us ready quickly!  Watch for more blogging with more of the personal stuff as we get through the formalities of who and what we are about.  Contact us if you have other questions or comments, ideas, encouragement and very importantly what is going on in your lives and how we can partner with you in prayer.  Love to hear from you!


  1. So excited for you as the journey continues to unfold. I will be praying! It a real roller coaster ride! Lots of love coming your way. Kelly

  2. Told you I was a follower. David didn't believe me.
