Carney's preparations for serving in South America

Thanks for checking out our blog! Here is where we'll chronicle the "learning opportunities" God provides for us as we seek His will in partnering full-time with Christian Veterinary Mission in Bolivia

04 January 2012

My cup overflows Psalm 23:5 (or runneth over, if you like KJV)
This is what I shrieked this morning as I tried to do laundry in the dark.  Pouring clear laundry detergent is not that successful in a predawn haze.  Why didn't I turn on the light?  Well, honestly I got lazy--I had flipped the breaker to rewire the ceiling fan and never gotten around to it and didn't want to run down to the basement to turn the breaker back on.
Why am I bothering to tell you this?  I was struck by the symbolism of this tiny accident.  The Lord's cup overflows with salvation, with cleansing, with goodness. My clothes may be extra sudsy today and maybe cleaner, but the Lord's cup of blessing through the blood of Jesus makes us pure and spotless, able to enter into the Lord's presence.  It is an amazing thing to be clean enough for God!  Read some Levitical laws about cleanliness (Chapter 13 is a good one).  Wow!  Maybe my grandma was right that "cleanliness is next to Godliness," but praise God for Jesus! If we had to present ourselves to the priest for every scab we had, or every spot of mold on a piece of leather to determine if we were able to worship. 
So, wash your clothes and wear them to worship our great God.  Take refuge in His glorious sanctification and freedom.

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