As I look at the thin layer of snow this morning, I will continue on the theme of cleansing, of sanctification. Cue the "Washed in the Blood" chorus (are your garments spotless, are they white as snow), so it can be stuck in your head too!
The sacrifice of Jesus justifies us, that is, makes us accepatble to the Lord (remember your elementary Christian education-"just as if I'd"). Our sanctification however is another matter altogether. That is our process of working toward holiness. This is where the snow comes in. Today we have a very thin layer, but all the grass is poking through, there are windswept patches on the driveway that are bare; all in all it is pretty ugly. But if it continues to snow it will blanket everything to there are no rough edges, no poky things and it will be beautiful. In the same manner, as we learn to let go of the things of this world and strive toward God's will, we become clothed in righteousness and just as smooth and pure as the snow-covered landscape looks. Here is where my analogy may break down (or not). God changes us and truly makes us holy and righteous, whereas the snow just covers us up, when it melts, the unmown grass and weedy pastures are staring. Maybe it is true of us too though. Without God, we are still human, so if we drift away our weeds become exposed too.
Enjoy the snow and think of how we are working toward holiness, not covering up our inadequacies ourselves, but allowing God to blanket us in His purity.
Great stuff Kim, I love this analogy, and not just cause I desperately miss snow. ;) Glad you guys had a good time in Nic. Really wish I'd been there...